Laura Sims - My God Is This a Man in PDF, EPUB


"Laura Sims is a startlingly original poet whose work goes very deep, like a well made of animal and human bones mortared together with rubber tires, dismembered books, dismembered dolls, and a lot of other unlikely stuff that draws water from thousands of feet under the surface of the earth."-Peter StraubLaura Sims's third poetry collection engages the escarpment of the page itself: walled-off phrases set against spare lines on largely empty pages, a proto-graphical representation of thought itself. These poems replicate the psychic fragmentation that's necessary for evil-doing: relationship as crime scene, the folk ballad re-writ for our new cult of mass-shootings, "the quiet and unmeaning" of a natural world wrought horrific . . . From "MURDER SON(G)": 'Walk into a pep rally with guns.' 'Walk into a Costco with guns. Walk into a coffee shop with guns. Walk into a party store with guns. Walk into a wedding shower with guns. Walk into a weight room with guns. Walk into a living room with guns and say' 'All I want is something small.' Laura Sims is the author of 'Stranger' and 'Practice, Restraint', both from Fence Books, and of 'Fare Forward: Letters with David Markson' (Powerhouse Books). She co-edits Instance Press and teaches literature and creative writing in New York University's School of Continuing and Professional Studies. She lives with her family in Brooklyn, New York.

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Her most recent novel The Spare Room was published to critical acclaim in 2010., Anyone can see the place where the children died.Jenna has blamed herself for her friend's disappearance every single day since then.Rather than recreate accurate modes of speech he creates a mode of expression that highlights incongruity and contrast, emphasising the puppet-like quality of his characters.Richard Meinertzhagen (1878 '1967) was an acclaimed British war hero, a secret agent, and a dean of international ornithology.This gives Deeva an idea, and soon she unleashes an entrepreneurial brainstorm and is running her own business -- DeCoys, Inc.Translated here for the first time into English, the plays are accompanied by a critical introduction and notes to guide the reader or director of these plays.Unlike Other Texts That Present Mathematical Topics As A Disconnected Set Of Rules And Equations, Exploring Mathematics Flows Seamlessly From One Subject To The Next, Situating Each Within Its Historical And Cultural Context.True, he was a key player in Middle Eastern events after World War I, and during the 1930s he represented Zionism's interests in negotiations with Germany.And it is the Winchester that is known as "the gun that won the West." Now, in celebration of the 125th anniversary of the Winchester marque, R.Heller" decision.